Be who we want to be

Before I Die, I … want women and girls to be whoever they want to be – a CEO, a Doctor, a Professor, a Mother, an Elected Official, a Wife, an Astronaut, all of the above – without fear and without question!


Before I Die, I would like to create Auntie Karen’s Place, a 50-acre artist village and incubator in the South Carolina Low Country.

Pro Choice

Before I Die, I would like to see the Supreme Court make pro-choice.the law of the land and beyond challenge.

Gender neutral talk

Before I Die, I … want children to grow up without hearing about boy books and girl books, boys like trucks but girls don’t and all the “gender defining” talk that creates self limitations in the minds of girls.

Equal Opportunity to Thrive

Before I Die, I … want to see everyone have both the support and the equal opportunity necessary to thrive in this country, and to contribute at their highest potential, without respect to race, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, or age.

Systematic Racism

Before I Die, I wish to see all governmental, educational, and religious institutions acknowledge and work actively to address their role in systemic racism.


Before I Die, I ..would like to see women inspired to be all that they can be. I want my daughters to know that they have every right to do and be anything they choose to and are not limited by being African American women.


Before I Die, I want to see a significant monument to honor the life and work of RBG in Washington DC and Professor Anita Hill appointed to the US Supreme Court.

End Prejudice and Racism

Before I Die, I want to contribute significantly to the end of prejudice and racism, police brutality toward black and brown people, and the hatred permeating our country.

Full Equality

  • Before I Die,, I would like to see women with full equality..and at long last, women have 100% control over our own bodies without question.

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