Speaking Truth to Power:
Celebrating Anita Hill and the Next Generation!
The new Celebration is an annual reminder of the outrage, of the different perspectives of men and women, of the need for more women in politics and other policy-making positions, and of the need to get involved, stay involved, and stay in contact with other strong women of all ages and backgrounds.
See the Anita Hill Party Archive!
The AHP History Committee has collected memorabilia from previous parties to donate to the SC Political Collections (SCPC) at the USC Library. Learn more about the collection or find out how to contribute to the archive online.
Speaking Truth to Power
Anita Hill Celebration guests are strong, smart women - and we're energized to make a difference. We know how to get things done, and we pledge to Speak Truth to Power.
Before I Die….
What one thing do you want to see happen before you die? Share your dreams with guests at the party. Who knows? You just might inspire yourself or others to help make it come true.